28.Golden spade

With the Videgrandprix we would like to offer all non-commercial film authors a platform to present their work publicly and put it up for discussion by the international jury of experts.


Non -German -language films must be subtitled German

Film uploads please only to this email address: wolfgang.tschallener(at)

VGP 2024 flyer in german
flyer 2024 gesamt.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.6 MB

To the main prize


The sculpture was designed especially for this festival by the Vorarlberg artist Wolfgang Tschallener and is handmade from massive bronze in the world-famous art foundry Walter Rom / Kundl/Tyrol.

Festivaltrailer 2024

The venue is the honourable "Kuefer Martis-Huus" in Ruggell.

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